Sunny, the norwegian dancer!!!

I am a 22 year old girl from Norway. I currently attend the university in Stavanger where I am studying for a bachelors degree to become a qualified dance teacher.

fredag, desember 29, 2006

En aldri så liten oppdatering i romjula...

Jaja.. Tenkte det kanskje var på tide med en aldri så liten oppdatering... Ikke så mye spennende som har skjedd, egentlig. Bortsett fra vanlig julefeiring og sånn, da. I dag var jeg på extend og hjalp til med å brette og legge i konvolutter ikke mindre enn over 700 brev! Det var bra vi var 5 stykker, ellers hadde det tatt sykt lang tid.. Men vi klarte det faktisk på ca 1 1/2 time. Holder på å sy kostyme til nyttårskonserten. Synes det er så morro med broderier og sånt, så jeg gjør litt mye ut av det.. Artig, artig. Får gå og fortsette litt med det, da. Kos dere i julefeiringen, alle sammen!!
Her har dere et par bilder fra bursdagen min ved siden av kakebordet :)

Blåser ut lyset på kaka... Synes det var litt stusselig å ikke ha noe lys å blåse ut, så jeg bare stappa et sånt lite julelys på midten... ;)

Ingeborg og jeg hos onkel Thor og tante Eli på julaften....

torsdag, desember 21, 2006

Just cant let go of the nutcracker... Haha...

Well, tomorrow is my birthday!!! I am actually turning 21!!! Jeezz!!!! Can you imagine...
Had a ballet class yesterday at my old dance school with a man called Fredrick Rütter. He used to dance with the Norwegian National Ballet, and he has been a ballet critic for a leading newspaper here in Norway for many years. It was a really good class! Hard, though.. In the end, we had this petit allegro with jeté battu: jeté battu, temps leve, temps leve, temps leve, repeat on the other leg, glissade jeté battu x 3, pas de bouree en tournaunt.. And it was sooooo quick!! We also did a lot of small jumps. My feet and calves were sooo tired by the end, and when we again had to do sautes and stuff, I felt like I was going to die! Haha.. But it is good to be pushed like that!! We also had rehersals because me and a few other girls are going to dance at a new years concert on january 7th.. We are going to dance the coda from the nutcracker, and I am going to do my sugarplum variation, but to another song. So I am going to make a new costume for that. Have to get fabric and stuff today.. We are also doing a sort of jazzy thing to the finale number. So Camilla (the teacher and owner of the studio) had to make that up yesterday, but we did not quite finish, so we are going to have another rehersal in a week..
Am going to town now and meet Malin, then I am going to the studio to work on the dances from yesterday and possibly do a bit of jazz/modern thing... Good to do some exercise when I have the chance...

Ok, I cant quite let go of the nutcracker, so here are some more pics from the dvd (taken with snapshot...) So they are kind of blurry, but hey...

torsdag, desember 14, 2006

Back home..

Well, hello there! I have come back home now, and it is nice to be back... The weird thing is that I really miss school and my dancing classes, but hey... I am a nerd, I admitt it. I finished one of my pedagogy papers today and handed it in (we hand everything written in via email...) and I have tried to put together our group assignement for that same class as well. I actually had a good time doing that.. I have emailed it to the others in my group so they can see what they think and maby make changes before I make the final thing... It is so nice to not have that hanging over me anymore. And I cant do anything more about it tonight anyway, so I dont have to feel guilty for doing something else...

Yesterday I went to Oslo on a little shopping trip. I was going to buy new jazz shoes, but they did not have the colour that I wanted in my size, so I am going to wait. But the lady in the shop gave me the size and make of the shoe, so I will probably order it from abroad. That is just sooo much cheaper.. They cost over 700 kr!! (about 67 punds!!!) Jeez! That is a lot... But other than that, I got a perfect christmas present for my parents! I have thought about getting it for them since last christmas, but then I did not have the chance to get it.. So I am very happy with that. And I spent too much money on other things: art supplies, a new top (I actually really needed something that is not a sweatshirt...) and season 2 of Desperate Housewives on DVD. But in my defence, there was a "chrismas sale" on it... I also got a pair of knee pads (had to get that for school) and a pair of new toe pads. I was going to stay to see a performance of my friends old dance school, but I was too tired of walking around, so I got the train back early.. It was probably best for my pocet book as well...

Well, tormorrow I am going to a christmas market at an old peoples home.. (cant remember the correct word for that...). My grandma is there two days a week, and they have made a lot of things that they are going to sell. My mum has a doctors appointment, so she is sending me down there to get a couple of "sitting pillows" or what you whant to call it.. They are made of wool and they have som of our dogs wool in it (she is a poudle, so she has a lot of white wool...). And she really wanted me to get some of those... So of course I will :) They had not made many of those, so mum said to be sure to get there early!! So I will be in line early, ready do wrestle them from the old ladies with walking stics...

For those of you that dont know what my dog looks like, here is a pic of her and me last spring (her name is Yazz...):

Here is a couple of other pics from that photo shoot:

mandag, desember 11, 2006


Jajamennsann!! Da var det juleferie, gitt!!! Hadde danse "eksamen" i dag. Gikk faktisk ganske så bra. Får jo ikke karakter eller noe, men vi fikk tilbakemeldinger av alle lærere. Både om prøven i dag og om hele semesteret. Fikk utrolig bra tilbakemeldinger! Så det er jeg VELDIG glad for :) Ballettlærer Katja sa at jeg og Julie skulle få litt mer utfordringer etter jul. Så det blir bra, da.
Vi feiret flere bursdager i dag... Malenes som er i morgen, min som er den 22, og David sin som er den 25 tror jeg. Så da hadde vi tre kakebakere. Jeg lagde et helt lass med vafler. Stina lagde brownies og Malene hadde bakt boller. Så da koste vi oss fælt, ass... Koselig avslutning på året.

Driver og prøver å pakke litt. Men det er jo så sinnsykt mye jeg må ha med meg! Har jo fikset alle julegaver og sånn her, så det er jo en del å drasse med seg, da. Selv om det egentlig ikke er sååå mye... Også må jeg jo ha med meg danseklær og vanlige klær og masse greier!!! Bra jeg skal ta toget. Da kan jeg jo ha med meg så mye jeg vil. Men jeg må jo klare å drasse det til togstasjonen, da... Toget går i morgen tidlig kl. 06.05. Zzzzzz.. Men jeg kan jo sove på toget...

Her er et par nøtteknekkerbilder til:

Ja, det her er jo ikke nøtteknekker, da. Men her er ivertfall Lars Ivar i Cats kostymet sitt. Mjauu...

Linda rocker i kostymet sitt... Hun var forelder i selskapet i første akt...

Maria og Linda... Savner dere, ass! Gleder meg til å se dere på ballettkurset på extend!!! Det blir skikkelig reunion, serru!

Shariff og Lise...

torsdag, desember 07, 2006

Regn? nei det har vi IKKE sett...

Det er bare noe så SINNSYKT som det regner i denne byen!!! Var akkurat ute en tur for å kjøpe teip, og det småregnet litt, men plutselig (10 minutter fra døra mi) begynnte det å hølje ned noe så grassat!! Blei klissvåt på den korte vegen! Heldigvis hadde jeg gummistøvler og regnjakke, men joggebuksa kunne jeg nesten vri opp... Hilsen fra vestlandet (takk skal du faen meg ha!)!!! Ellers er det jo snart juleferie da, dere! Blir diggærs vet jeg. Bare i morgen igjen på skolen, også er det danseeksamen på mandag. Drar hjem på tirsdag. Tjoho!
Her er noen bilder til fra nøtteknekkeren:

Fløytedanser Kristin sammen med nøtteknekkerprinsen (Thomas):

Barna i juleselskapet (fra sceneprøven...):

Jeg og Ida (snøprinsessen) slapper av på sceneprøven:

Neimen, titta! Et par russiske dansere! Har du sett...

En VELDIG glad sukkertøyfe ;) Ida måtte hjelpe meg med å hekte på kostymet... Ganske så mange hekter bak der, ja..

Fiiiiine Maria blomsterfe :)

onsdag, desember 06, 2006

Christmas is looming...

Well, soon it is christmas holliday! Cant wait!!!! We have our final test on monday, so next tuesday, I will be going home. Was substut at the culture school again yesterday. Only two classes, though; grade 7 and free class for teenagers/adults. It was a lot of fun! Used a bit of music from the film "Tre nøtter til Askepott" (a cinderella film that is showed on norwegian television every christmas eve), so that really got us into the christmas mood.

søndag, desember 03, 2006

Party last night..

Well, went to Stina in my class yesterday. She was having a bit of a party celebrating her 20th birthday in her apartment. Well, it was not officially a party, just sort of a gathering before we went out. But I have to say, some people got quite drunk.. I thought it was quite hillarious at times. Me and Susanne were the only ones who were sober... Haha... Wonder how much the others remember from last night. God, Tanya and Katarina were funny!!! Am suspecting they have a bit of a hangover today... I will text them later and see how they are.
Other than that, I am actually almost finished with my christmas presents. I will wrap them and stuff when I get home, but the only ones I have left is to my mum and dad and my brother Gjermund. And I know what to get them, so I dont really have to figure something out. I have never in my life been this early with christmas presents before... Wow!

fredag, desember 01, 2006

Crappy first of december...

Well, first of december today. Not a great day, though. Infact, quite terrible. Am not in a good place right now. Oh, well. I will be ok... But I am soooo mad at myself for doing something so stupid! But I just had to...
Am going to Malene tonight, though. I think it is best for me not to be alone right now, so I am looking forward to that... We are going to watch the first episode of the christmas calendar on tvnorge. Cant wait to see that. It sooo annoys me that we do not have that tv chanel at my house. AUGH!!!!!!!!! Just some frustration....

Found this on a webpage. I think it is really beautiful:
I was woken by an angel in the middle of the night, She held me in her arms and said I’d be alright, I cried upon her shoulder, I weapt for all I could, But nothing seemed to matter she said she understood, She told me of a special place then looked me in the eye, She wiped a tear from off my cheek and told me not to cry, “Close your eyes my child tonight’s your lucky night”, She whisked me through the stars and sky straight towards the light, Then there I was in heaven stood before the gates, The most beautiful place id ever seen was right before my face, She told me this was mine all that I could see, “One day my child when you’ve had enough your welcome here with me”, “I’m taking you back home now just think of what I’ve said”, And then before I knew it I was wide awake in bed.