Sunny, the norwegian dancer!!!

I am a 22 year old girl from Norway. I currently attend the university in Stavanger where I am studying for a bachelors degree to become a qualified dance teacher.

lørdag, januar 27, 2007

Wierd weather!!

Well, weekend again!! Gotta love that! My mum is visiting this weekend, so that is very nice. Yesterday, we had the wierdest weather here: We had some snow, but that rained away in the night. Then it was cloudy, then sunny, then it rained, then it snowed, then it was sunny, then it rained, it snowed... and so on. So we basically had everything yesterday.. What a wierd part of the country this is ;)


  • At 9:59 a.m., Blogger Ingeborg said…

    Haha, så gøy! Hele året på en dag, liksom! Snålt... Ha en fin helg, da! =)


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